High Quality

This page lists high quality dividend growth stocks with a Quality Score of 20 to 25 and a minimum of 5 consecutive years of dividend growth.

Quality Scoring System

Qualifications are based on the following 5-factor grading system where each factor is graded from 5 to 1 (5 being the best) for at maximum of 25 points. There is one exception for REIT’s. REITs rarely have an economic moat rating so they have been given some extra latitude to make the list. The REITs listed are the highest quality from that sector.

  1. Value Line Safety (Safety, Price Stability)
  2. Value Line Financial Strength (Fundamental Analysis)
  3. Morningstar Economic Moat (Competitive Advantages)
  4. Morningstar Stewardship (Leadership/Management)
  5. Simply Safe Dividends (Dividend Safety)

Search here for the high quality dividend growth stocks for potential core holdings.

NOTE: These are not recommendations, but starting points for further research, always do your own due diligence.

25 Quality Score

24 Quality Score

23 Quality Score

22 Quality Score

21 Quality Score

20 Quality Score

REITs – Below 20 Quality Score

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